Leonardo Da Vinci,Mobility,PLM(2010-1-GR1 LEO 02-03966)

From 8/1/2010 to 31/5/2012, UoI Lifelong Learning Center carried out its 4th Leonardo Da Vinci mobility project for People in the Labour Market (PLM) titled "Work Experience in the European Labour Market". Twenty eight (28) graduates from the University of Ioannina and other Greek Universities gained work experience in nineteen (19) receiving institutions in eleven (11) E.U. countries. The project was funded by the European Union under Lifelong Learning Programme - Leonardo Da Vinci (2010-1-GR1-LEO 02-03966). Prof. Venetsanos Mavreas, Vice-Rector of the University of Ioannina was the Project Coordinator. Ms Maria Papadopoulou, MA in Human Rights, Head of Leonardo Da Vinci mobility Actions for PLM at the UoI Lifelong Learning Center was the project manager.

Leonardo Da Vinci 2010-2012 Brochure (en) pdficon




Project Data

  • Sending Organisation: University of Ioannina Lifelong Learning Center, Greece
  • Number of Receiving organizations: 19 (research institutes, university laboratories, educational institutes, hospital and employers' federation)
  • Number of Receiving countries: 11 (France, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Cyprus, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden)
  • Number of Participants:
    • 28 University Graduates, specifically
    • 21 University of Ioannina Graduates
    • 7 graduates from other greek universities
  • Duration of Training periods: 3-6 months
  • Fields of work: Humanities, Preschool Education, Food Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Material Sciences, Medicine, Economics
  • Basis of the proposal: Survey of UoI's Graduates published by the Career Office (2008)
  • Participants' Selection procedure:
    • 2 Calls for Applicants based on the desired trainees' profile set by the receiving organizations.
    • Total number of applications: 235
    • Evaluation of applications: 4 UoI Academic Staff Committees from relevant fields
  • Linguistic, pedagogical and cultural preparation of the participants
    • Guide "Travelling in Europe"
    • 11 Guides for the 11 receiving countries
    • Funding for linguistic, pedagogical and cultural preparation expenses based on each trainee's needs
  • Funding: Expenses covered
    • Scholarship for subsistence and travel costs based on the maximum rates set by the Greek National Authority for Leonardo per host country and duration of stay. (For mobility actions of a minimum duration of 13 full weeks, the awarded grants are considered a global flat-rate contribution to cover all costs, including travel costs), e.g.
      • 3-month training in France: 3,987 Euros,
      • 4-month training in Spain: 4,236 Euros,
      • 5-month training in Denmark: 6,721 Euros,
      • 6-month training in the United Kingdom: 6,930 Euros.
    • Funding for linguistic, cultural and pedagogical preparation
    • Travel insurance
  • Validation
    • Europass Mobility Document
    • Certificate-Letter of Reference issued for each of the participants by the receiving organization
    • Certificate of successful completion of the training period issued by the UoI Lifelong Learning Center
  • Participants’ Social networking: The UoI Lifelong Learning Center created a LINKEDIN Professional Group (LdV.Participants_KEK.UoI.GR) in order to provide a network tool between the 28 participants, the participants from the previous 3 Leonardo programmes and the UoI Lifelong Learning Center. The main target is the dissemination of information and advice regarding current and future employment.
  • Professional status of the participants after the completion of the training periods
    • 7 participants received a job offer by the receiving organisation
    • 11 participants found a job in Greece
    • 1 participant found a job as a PhD researcher in Greece
    • 1 participant is going to set up her own business in Greece
    • 3 participants found a job abroad
    • 3 participants found a job as PhD researchers abroad.
  • Funding absorption rate: 100%
  • Implementation of the guidelines set by the European Quality Charter for Mobility


Partners / Receiving Organisations (2010-2012)

The list of our Leonardo Da Vinci partners/receiving organisations (2010-2012) can be found HERE.


Participants' Testimonies

Twenty eight (28) graduates from the University of Ioannina and other Greek Universities gained work experience in nineteen (19) receiving institutions in eleven (11) E.U. countries. Participants’ Testimonies can be found HERE.


Photo Gallery LdV 2010-2012